Monday, April 27, 2015

Twisted Treeline

Defend and Destroy

The second classic League of Legends map, the Twisted Treeline typically features faster, bloodier matches with an emphasis on ganking and small scale skirmishes. You achieve victory by pushing your way into the opposing base and destroying the enemy nexus.

The Battle for the Shadow Isles

A smaller map than Summoner’s Rift, the Twisted Treeline is configured horizontally, with two lanes flanking a neutral area. Two turrets are placed along the length of each lane, and the nexus is defended by a single turret. Teams are composed of three champions apiece, and each champion spawns with a substantial sum of gold. The reduced map size and accelerated level curve makes for a shorter game length and higher kill scores.

The Jungle

Twisted Treeline’s single, centralized jungle offers multiple access routes to both lanes, promoting fast ganks and aggressive counter-jungling. Junglers on Twisted Treeline typically engage enemy players early and often, coming to the aid of either lane, or leading the attack on the opponent’s altar. Expect plenty of action in neutral areas on this Field of Justice.


The jungle on Twisted Treeline contains two capturable altars that provide a bonus to the controlling team. Holding a single altar grants addition gold on each minion kill. Holding both altars simultaneously grants a substantial attack damage and ability power bonus.
Capturing an altar causes it to enter a locked state for several minutes, preventing enemy players from seizing control.


The toughest neutral monster on the Twisted Treeline, this massive undead spider represents a significant threat for a full team of champions. Defeating Vilemaw grants bonus gold along with a team-wide buff to attack speed, cooldown reduction, health and mana regeneration.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Summoner's Rift

Defend and Destroy

The first and most popular Field of Justice, Summoners Rift is considered the gold standard in competitive League of Legends. Action typically stratifies into discrete phases, Beginning with duels between lane opponents and culminating in epic, large-scale team fights. You achieve victory by pushing your way into the opposing base and destroying the enemy nexus.

The Battle of the Rift

The largest available battlefield, Summoner's Rift is mirrored diagonally and features three lanes into the enemy base. Each lane is defended by three turrets and an inhibitor, while the nexus is protected by a pair of turrets.
Both sides of the map boast expansive jungles containing powerful buffs, and the central river is home to two boss monsters that provide team-wide benefits.

The Jungle

The mirrored jungle areas on Summoner's Rift each contain several lesser monster camps along with a pair of more powerful monsters that yield buffs when killed. Managing these buffs is essential to maximizing your teams performance on the battlefield, so be wary of any enemy you spot entering your jungle, If you're not careful, you may find he's stolen on of your buffs!

The Dragon

The Dragib us tge secibd nist oiwerful neutral monster on Summoner's Rift in League of Legends. Slaying the  Dragon grants the team powerful stacking buff.

Baron Nashor

This dangerous monster makes his lair in the river near top lane. A hard fight even for five well-equipped champions, Baron Nashor is the most challeging neutral encounter in League of Legends. Defeating the massive wyrm yields global gold and experience as well as a powerfull team-wide buff.


where anyone can buy and sell, strengthening the team.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Play the Tutorials

Before you decide to take on a live opponent, consider getting better acquainted with the game through the Tutorial and Battle training. Each of these tutorials teaches the basics of League of Legends, from fundamentals like movement to more advanced topics such as ambushes and jungle buffs. Completing these tutorials will help you get ready to face human opponents.

Play Co-op vs. Al

After completing the totorials, you can also join forces with other summoners in a 5-player match  against computer-controlled bots. While the tutorials are guided by quests and suggested strategies, here you and your teammates will decide how to best engage the enemy champions, conquer map objectives, and push down the lanes to win the game.

Why Co-op vs. Al?

Co-op vs. Al is a great way to learn a new champion's abilities or test out a new strategy with your team. unlife the tutorials, co-op allows you to interact with other summoners and tailor Al's difficulty to your skill level.
Whether you play for one game or one hundred, it's
a great place to meet other summoners.

How to start a Co-op vs.Al Game

Click the Play button in the upper-middle of client. Select Co-op vs. Al game type from the list of options on the left. Choose Summoner's Rift and your preferred difficulty, and then either start a party of your friends or choose to allow matchmaking to automatically find teammates for you.

Beyond the bots
Intro, Beginner and Intermediate

While nearly every champion in League of Legends has a bot counterpart, battling the Al is no substitute for a true PvP experience. Even the infamous Annie Bot won't adapt to your strategies the same way a real, human opponent would.

The next section details how you can meet friends online and play against human opponents. Whether queuing with a team or going solo, our matchmaking system is designed to pit you against summoners of similiar skill. As your skills increase, so will the skills of your opponents. When you reach level 30, you'll even have the option to participate in Ranked play.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Here's a few tips to help beginners

Gettinf Started on -> Summorner's Rift <- 

A lot goes into a successful battle on the Field of Justice. Here you'll learn about the basics of the game, familiarize yourself with the basic mechanics through the in'game tutorials, and take your
first steps onto Summoner's Rift.


The league is filled with champions of every archetype, from devious masterminds to epic monsters and everythinf in between. Different champions suit different roles and strategies, so don't get discouraged if the first on you try doesn't mesh with your playstyle.

-> See a full list of champions <- Click here to view the image

-> Controlling your champion <- Click here to view the image

With a few caveats, champions use a traditional RTS control scheme.
- To move your champion, right click on the terrain where you'd like to go
- To Attack an enemy, right click on your target.
- To cast a spell left-click the associated icon or use the spell's hotkey (Q,W,E or R by default), and then click on the target.

Controls can be customized through the Options menu.

-> Lanes <- Click here to view the image

There are three roads that connect your base to the enemy's. These roads are called lanes, and they'll serve as the means of engaging the enemy team.
To win a game you'll have to push down your lane into the enemy base and destroy the nexus at the heeart of their base.

-> Minions <- Click here to view the image

Minions are Al-controlled soldiers that spawn at the nexus and march down each lane toward the enemy base, attacking enemies they encounter along the way. Scoring the killing blow on a minion earns valuable gold for your champion. Minions prefer to fight each other, but will attack your champion if they find him alone in lane. They'll also switch targets to focus on you if you attack a nearby allied champion. Don't underestimate the power of a big wave of minions, particularly early in the game!

-> Turrets <- Click here to view the image

Turrets are powerful defensive structures that defend each lane at even intervals, punishing enemies that come within range with deadly bolts of energy. Like minions, they prefer to attack targets other than you, unless you engage another champion while within range. A hostile turret will only target in range. Beware of picking a fight under an enemy turret.

-> Inhibitors <- Click here to view the image

Important structures known as inhibitors are located where each lane meets the base on both sides of the map. Destroying an inhibitor creates a powerful super minion each time a new minion wave spawns in that lane.
Superminions are extremly durable, making thern ideal for leading the charge on the enemy nexus. Inhibitors repawn after five minutes, so be sure to press your advantage during this time.
Destroying all three of an enemy's inhibitors will cause two super minions to spawn in each lane every time a new minion wave is created.

-> The Nexus <- Click here to view the image

At the heart of each base lies the nexus. Protected by two turrets, the nexus is the structure that periodically generates minion wave in each lane. Once a team has destroyed the enemy nexus, the game is over and that team is declared victorious.

-> Itens <- Click here to view the image

In a game of League of Legends, your champin earns gold by taking down enemy units and structures. Scoring the killing blow on a minion or champion, assisting in a champion kill, and acquiring certain runes or items are just a few ways you can generate additional income. You can use your gold to purchase powerful items from the shop near the summoner platform. Just click on the shop or the button next to your gold total to open the store.
- Items grant bonuses as soon as they're purchased; there is no need to equip items
- Different champions and play styles excel with different itern builds, so your strategy will inform your purchases
- The most powerful items are made by combining smaller items, so don't hesitate to buy a component item.
- Usable equipment such as potions, wards, and activatable items are used by clicking on the icon in your inventory or by hotkey 1 - 6.

-> The Jungle <- Click here to view the image

Between the lanes lies the jungle, an expanse filled with neutral monsters.
These monsters won't attack the enemy base, but they can be defeated for additional gold and special temporary buffs. A player may take on the role of jungler and use these areas as his primary source of income. Junglers typically roarn between the lanes, coming to the ard of allies in lane when needed.