Friday, August 28, 2015

Legends Rising

Bjergsen. Faker. Uzi. BRTT. xPeke. SwordArt.

You saw redefine what is possible, test the boundaries of professionalism in the game to become some of the biggest names in e-Sports League of. But once the crowd going and the lights go out, what motivates these professionals to not just improve but become the best?

Legends Rising goes beyond the game and explores the inspirations, fears and the work of some of the most prominent players in the world. Driven by the pursuit of perfection and tormented by the defeats of the past six professionals from six countries will rise to become legends. These are their stories, told backstage.

See his glory in this six-part series, premiering soon.

Legends Rising


Nasus. Darius. Garen. Skarner. When you think of brute force, these champions should come to mind: powerful, durable, immortal and hand-to-hand. They are the giants of League that, after departure, become super chargers tank that can almost destroy anyone who is foolish enough to get in your way. The prototypical colossus is Nasus, our beloved destroyer end of matches. The dungeon bosses can only do what it does best when in close range, and their lack of approximators means that it depends on speed increases as "The Hunt" of Sivir or precise set of controls such as the Morgana to get close, but when it does, it releases the power of his known skill, Siphon attack.

When you think of brute force, these champions should come to mind: powerful, durable, immortal and hand-to-hand.

This balance of power and coverage helps keep boots hand-to-hand tanks in good condition and leads to different plays each Champion. What have we done with this update was looking for some giants who occupied the same "tactical space" Nasus (think we have more of these, but we work with four for the first set) and added a little more than one factor where we could.



Death through my hands

Always we think of Darius as one of the strongest fighters League, the pentakill machine that sobressairia of your enemy attacks before seizing the wounded and cutting all. The problem was, despite the great fantasy, Darius almost never did any of that. Or improved the damage him and died before the time to clean it up, or did tank and had no damage in order to bury the enemies.
With this update, we are changing bleeding and giving a new passive tool to the big guy: Blood Fury:

Passiva: Hemorragia

PASSIVE: hemorrhage

Darius cuts the enemy that attacks, causing bleeding. Hemorrhage builds up to five times.
NEW: Blood Fury: When Darius perform an enemy with Sash Noxus or fill the bleeding accumulations at a target, he gets Fury Blood for a few seconds. While under the effects of Blood Fury, Darius greatly increases your Physical Damage and applies maximum bleeding charges on any enemies hit.


Justice, by law or by the sword

Garen is a champion in what is interesting work. He is a renowned champion of "spin to win", but does not bring enough uniqueness to their matches. Moreover, when the end of departure arrives, the Demacia Power becomes the Mansinho of Demacia and decays so that their role becomes to leave talking to others - in loud and clear - the place where he comes. We would like to balance a little boy, then changed its power curve to make it weaker at start early and stronger at the end, and we added a new passive in the big man's ultimate.

R: Justiça Demaciana

R: JUSTICE Demacian

NEW PASSIVE: Garen identifies the enemy champion with latest slaughter as the villain of the enemy team. Tics and basic attacks on the Villain Trial cause an additional 1% at full life as True Damage.

ACTIVE: Garen calls the power of Demacia to give a final blow to the enemy target. The more life is missing the enemy, the more damage the Demacian Justice cause. [NEW] Justice Demacian cause damage to the real villain of the enemy team.


My theme stinging

Skarner has one of the coolest ultimates of the game and we think this is a good thing, but we also wanted to give him more toys to cheer him up while he was not kidnapping someone. Goataríamos that Skarner had something unique in it - and here's the result:

When Skarner is in a match six crystal piáculos appear on the map. They are located near the Rubrivira, Azuporã, Baron and Dragon. These pinnacles crystals are catchable, and the altars of Twisted Treeline. When someone Scorpion team captures a pinnacle, it is created a zone that gives Skarner (and only Skarner!) Significant bonus movement speed and attack. The enemy team can also capture them and when they do, they receive gold, a small flash of vision and temporarily leave Skarner without your important bonus. This is the key - with these changes, Skarner becomes a neutral control objective of king and super helpful for teams who want to subjugate your enemies with positive and map control.


Misery loves company

Finally took a look at Mordekaiser. Over the years, he has been a champion consistently difficult to balance thanks to its unique mechanical. The League of iron man is a magician of wind damage, no shield or mana that is super slow and no control group ... and is usually played in solo queue. So instead of committing ourselves to balanceá it here and there in the coming years, we decided to try something a little crazy. Here goes...
We are trying Mordekaiser like a Colossus in dual route, intending to put it in place of a shooter of choice.


The update it has some very unique features. For starters, Creeping Death now deals damage if Bites and your friendly target are close together, a move that aims to help put Mordekaiser double routes as mentioned. Second, even if he is playing in a route as support, he will get the full experience of any troops that get their final blow (media usually can half the experience). This means that, unless he dies horribly early on, always arrive at level six before his opponents and always have an advantage in the case of battles in the lower route and to challenge the dragon at the beginning of the match.
Speaking Dragon, look at this:

Whenever harm specifically the dragon, Mordekaiser the curse - if your team mate, Bite invokes a range of dragon that follows it and fight for it. If you've always dreamed of seeing the dragon and Baron fighting but never thought possible ... well ... now it is.