Thursday, November 26, 2015

Understand Your Teammates

Pick Intent

After your match is made, you and your new teammates discover your position and enter the draft. Before the ban phase begins, everyone picks the champ they plan to play—this is called pick intent. Pick intent helps your team sort out potential comps and avoid teammate-harming bans. 

No More Surprises

Now each player selects their champion one at a time. For example, if your team has first pick, the opposing team still picks two champions afterward, they just lock in one after the other.
As a result, however, both bans and picks now require everyone to lock in their choice. If a player fails to lock in a pick or ban, champ select ends and players return to queue (and that player faces the same queue dodge penalties).

Distributed Bans

We're distributing drafting responsibilities amongst all players so every player gets a chance to make a meaningful contribution to their team. A new ban phase distributes one ban each to the players who receive the last three picks, while the top two have a shot at securing priority champs for the team. For clarity: bans still happen before picks.

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